Impulse. It’s a motivating force that drives you forward, or an urge that gets in your way. At Impulse Psychology, we aim to channel that momentum in a way that works for you.

Whether you struggle with regulating your emotions or have difficulty managing urges that lead you to eat, lash out, or avoid your problems, we are here to show you that impulse isn’t bad, it’s what you do with it that matters.


Contact Us

1700-2001 Boulevard Robert-Bourassa, Suite 17028, Montreal, QC, H3A2A6


Services Offered

Individual Therapy


Impulse Psychology is a change-oriented practice that treats clients who are struggling with impulse-related concerns, from disordered eating to emotion dysregulation. In person services are available for those in Montreal, and tele-therapy is offered for those in Quebec and Alberta.



We run groups for disordered eating and eating disorders, including binge eating and emotional eating.



Impulse Psychology offers workshops on topics related to mental health and managing impulses, working closely with our clients to tailor the content to their needs.

Get in Touch

Reach out today to book your complimentary consultation with one of our team members.