On September 22, 2022, Law 25 concerning the protection of personal information will gradually begin to come into force, over a period of 3 years. This law affects in particular the standards of practice of health professionals.

Impulse Psychology undertakes all necessary measures to protect personal information recorded electronically or on paper.

The clinic’s personal information security officer is: Dr. Mallory Frayn, who you can reach at mallory@impulsepsychology.com.

As a psychologist and founder of the clinic, Dr. Mallory Frayn now has the following responsibilities related to the protection of personal information:

Apply the Privacy Act;

·      Respond to requests relating to personal information

·      Establish rules of governance relating to personal information

·      Maintain personal information disclosure records

·      Keep a record of privacy incidents involving personal information

·      Notify the Commission d'accès à l'information of any confidentiality incident involving personal information

If you have any questions or concerns, you can contact Dr. Mallory Frayn at mallory@impulsepsychology.com.

Privacy Policy

By leaving your contact details in the registration form, you agree to receive information from Impulse Psychology.

When someone communicates by email, the return email address is used to respond to that person. The clinic does not use this email address for any purpose other than to respond and under no circumstances is this email address shared with a third party.

Impulse Psychology will not collect information without permission. If a request for information is sent by email to the clinic, the personal information will only be transmitted to the person concerned who is a member of the team and who needs it to respond to the request for information. This personal information will not be communicated, shared or sold to third parties.

Access and modification of information

The user has at all times the right to access, modify, correct or delete personal information concerning themselves.

To correct or update personal information, to request removal of personal information from the clinic's contact list, or for any other questions regarding the collection and use of personal information, the client should contact the clinic at the following email address: info@impulsepsychology.com.


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